Marked by my professor

Marked by my professor

45,558 Words



As soon as I step into the foyer of Solstice Shifter Academy, I instantly regret getting up this morning. My boyfriend is openly flirting with a girl. My fingers twitch by my sides as he gently tuck s a strand of hair behind her ears, using his other hand to pull her closer to him. That’s when I spot a man standing nearby with his hands tucked into his pockets. An idea pops into my head, and not thinking it through, I start proceeding towards him. “Um miss-” “I need you to please kiss me.” I press down my lips to his, my eyes sealing shut as the reality of what I’m doing finally sets in. This is my first kiss, and it’s with a stranger. I almost think he’s going to pull away but then I feel his hands circle tighter around my waist as he deepens the kiss. Later, upon entering my classroom, I was shocked to find him there—the man I had kissed just moments ago, the man to whom I had surrendered my first kiss: my professor.